Illiteracy Threatening to Undermine Economic Gains in Maryland Communities

Released on: July 29, 2008, 8:59 am

Press Release Author: Nicole Scruggs/ Nicsu, LLC

Industry: Financial

Press Release Summary: Illiteracy Threatening to Undermine Economic Gains in Maryland Communities - Drive 2 Thrive August Fundraiser

Press Release Body: MEDIA ALERT

Illiteracy Threatening to Undermine Economic Gains in Maryland Communities

(BALTIMORE, MD) Functional reading skills form the foundation for economic and social improvement in American society enabling individuals to fair socially and financially better than their less literate counterparts by more than 3 to 1. The ability to read impacts every aspects of life yet, according to the National Center for Education Statistics, 37% of American fourth graders read below the \"basic\" level when tested. These numbers translate into the more than 44 million adults in the US who aren\'t literate enough to read a simple story to a child! The illiteracy gap widens in Maryland along economic lines as 60 percent of fourth graders eligible for free or reduced lunch score below the \"basic\" level when tested.

The epidemic of illiteracy threatens to undermine the recent gains achieved by many Maryland Communities and is predicted to have an effect on the overall well-being of the State for the following reasons:

- Marylanders who can\'t read are 60% more likely to commit a crime and many prisons have begun to base part of their future need for beds on how well current elementary school students are performing on reading tests.
- 85% of Maryland\'s Juvenile offenders have been found to have problems reading.
- Maryland taxpayers will lose their share of $20 Billion annually on costs related to illiteracy.
- Nearly half of all citizens read so poorly that that they are unable to comprehend a single piece of information when reading a short publication.

For these reasons Jameson Lawrence, Esq, Educator, practicing attorney and owner of BVFR & Associates, LLC, a 13-year old Investment Banking firm in Baltimore, Maryland has partnered with Echelon Life and Maserati of Baltimore to sponsor \"Drive 2 Thrive\" a social event to benefit Maryland\'s literacy programs. \"Investing in the growth of Maryland and its Businesses is the core focus of BVFR and we can\'t expect that growth to continue without also investing in the people of this state\", declared Lawrence, \"Working with Echelon Life and Maserati of Baltimore on this tremendously important fund-raiser is a natural extension of our Business to Business and Business to Community initiatives.\"
BVFR will serve as one sponsor for the August 16th event to be held at Maserati of Baltimore in Timonium, Maryland. Christian Siriano, Maryland native and 2007 Project Runway Winner will be in attendance and has donated a specially commissioned design for the fundraiser.

About BVFR
BVFR & Associates LLC is an investment banking/ financial solutions firm committed to providing financial mediator services to small and middle market companies. BVFR is a recognized leader in facilitating USDA Rural Development Business and industry guaranteed loans. In addition, BVFR provides financing options to businesses located in urban areas as well as project financing supported by the Small Business Administration.

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Nicole Scruggs
Nicsu, LLC

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